Today on Pandanda, mostly all of the Super Questers from all over the world, Level 50 and up, headed over to the Palm Sever for the Pandas Level 50 and up party. There were a few exclusives being given out, along with interesting information! The story began at Bear Hollow where all of the Pandas fly around on the dragons. Credit to PandandaShack for some of these pictures because ours were a bit laggy in some places.
The party was mostly laggy in my opinion, but we all went to coconut beach to spread around and fly!
Henry then told us that due to bugs, the catalog was not released as it was set to launch yesterday. It will be launching next week! Unfortunately, storage will come later in May before this catalog comes out.
We then hopped off our dragons and partied it up at the one an only Purple Door(who is almost 2 years old)! Mostly all of the questions at the this time were about the islands around coconut beach. Sadly, there is no info on them
Henry then told us about a possible upcoming contest where we will be able to design our own quest :D
Henry then told us that there will NEVER be unlimited closet space because Pandanda isnt super rich and it would cost a lot of money along with a lot of money for new servers.
Then we all went to the beautiful Harvest Grove and learned that Pandanda Gold actually is different on where you live in the world.
Then we went to the Pawthorne Forest and well as you see so much dragons, so little space, super duper lag xD
After all of the flying we stopped into the Big Scoop got some ice cream, chit-chatted and learned that some pandas were treating others unkindly and we need to be nice to them all.
After all of that Henry told us that some pandas were sad they dont have the dragon yet so dont show off, etc.
And that ended the Level 50 Party!!! Really wish we could of got a beacon staff :( Very good party and I learned we need to give Pandanda a lot more credit because we wouldnt be there without them. Cya at the 10,000 hits party tomorrow!! REMEMBER FREE ELITES!
Hi im florzinha100 but im dont understand im dont member but im win member prize 1 moth