Want to get a pet? Or don't know how to take care of it? Then read this post!
Getting a pet is a privilage that only Elite Member has. So, if you are a Member or it's Free Elite Member Day, and you want to get a pet, the first thing you have to do, is to go to West Market Street:

And go to the Pet Shop:

Once you're there, click on Izzy, and click on "Buy Pets":

And now, buy a Dragon! Remember you need 1000 to buy any:

This is how it will look the first day:

After more or less a week, the egg will hatch.

In more or less two week, It'll learn to dance:

And in 40 days it will be able to fly!

And in something like 50 weeks, it will BREATH FIRE!
How to take care of your Dragon:
Feed your Dragon: There are two different ways of feeding your Dragon.
- D-Chow, 5 coins per serving
- Flint Nibbles, 7 coins per serving

Make it Rest:

Take it on a walk (Only members can do this):

And to view your Dragon's Health, click on "View Profile":

And if you don't want your pet anymore, because you can't take care of it, or just because you don't want it, you can give it back to Izzy:
Go to the Pet Shop in West Market Street. Click on Izzy and select "Place for adoption":

Well I think that's all you need to know about pets. If you need any help just leave a comment below!!!
Have Fun,
actually here are the approximate dates:
ReplyDeleteDance: 30-35 days
Fly: 40 days
Fire: 50 days
50 weeks is almost a year, mabye even a year.
and i should know! i have 10 dragons and one of them are fully trained having all abilities.
ReplyDeletewell banditdog98 your wrong my dragon could wave when it hatched and at 20 days they dance 35 days they fly 45 days they fire breath true story i got the info about the dance fly and fire off pandanda cheats.org
ReplyDeletelol bandit
ReplyDelete50 weeks is 2 weeks from an year