Sunday, April 10, 2011

10,000 Hits Party!!

Thanks to everyone who came to our party. We had over 30 pandas attend and we grouped up with Panda Focus for even a better party. Both blogs are giving away 2 elites. At the bottom of the blog the winners of the raffle will be listed. Remember though there will be one more party tonight at 5pm PST.

We started off the party at Shady Glen But then moved to Bear Hollow.
We also went to the Fishing Hole and Bear Hollow, where our favorite Panda showed up... HENRY!!! We then went into the Big Scoop and Book Nook to party.

After this we partied in the Parlor and the Haunted Hallway. We also played some Hide N Seek.
After this we headed up to the Pawthorne Forest and Harvest Grove!!

After partying for almost and hour!!! We went to Darby Field and Misty Hill. The winner of Bunny Catcher/Ghost Catcher would be added into the raffle another time!!! Here were the top 10 in all 3 games!

So after all of this partying the winners of the 2 elite membership codes were...

Congrats to Florzinha100 and XxMarzxX. Mail us at for your free 1 month elite codes!! Thanks to everyone who showed up. Cya later tonight for round 2!


  1. Congratulations florzinha100 and xxMarzxx!
    The party was awesome!

  2. Thank You Iieevvaa I Sent My Email Can I Send It On Here? Its


  3. Aww I missed Henry?I'll be coming to your second party I'm kinda busy today...

  4. ya im win but im dont member :( im dont understand

  5. florzinha100 if you could message us at or we can send you your free elite membership code :)
