Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt 2011 :D

Today (April 15th, 2011) the Easter Egg Hunt has begun!!! Eggs pop up just like tickets and take a lot of patience. The items this year are by far my favorite!!!! Once collecting at least 2 eggs head to West Market Street and turn in your prizes to the Big Pink Easter Bunny!
Here are the prizes!

Super Bunny Potion: 2 eggs

White and Green Easter Egg Baskets: 25 eggs

Bunny Hat: 60 eggs (Elites)

Chick Staff: 100 eggs (Level 10+)

Pink Bunny Slippers: 50 eggs

Pink & Green Egg Hunter Shirt: 50 eggs

1 comment:

  1. you guys should do a jumbo,medium and small bunny party cuz its easter lol
    :-P its just an idea!!

