Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Party Review!

Welcome to Spring Party Review!              March 21st, 2011

The snows have all melted and the flowers are blooming. Spring has sprung! I had a great time welcoming spring to Pandanda with all of my friends on Saturday. I even brought Raphael and Phoenix out for the fun. Little Phoenix had to flap his wings hard to keep up with Raphael, but he didn’t mind!

During my visits, I decided to turn some games of Bunny Chase and Ghosts of Misty Hill into REAL contests by awarding Panda Gold to the 1st place pandas! There were a couple of special rules for the times we played for Gold - 1) No potions, and 2) You can only win once a day. It was awesome to see everyone cooperating and having fun!

The pandas who won Panda Gold for playing Bunny Chase with me on Saturday were PANDSWEROU, Jayy124cp, KASPERSKY, Sandano, Febiana124, Sherman98cp, nic883, razvanff, Gvido and rossey22.

The pandas who won Panda Gold for playing Ghosts of Misty Hill with me were Tomfalls3, Persiikata, Pandagelu, adelin319, Chelios, ggutev, Pami9, Sk8terguy277, jb1234, RanRan, and Alison1789.

Each of those players got 50 Panda Gold added to their accounts! Don’t worry if you didn’t get to play on Saturday. There will be more chances to play and win coming up!

Check out these pictures from my visits! I’ll be adding more to the Welcome to Spring album on Facebook later today. You can see the album here, even if you don’t have a Facebook account!


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