Once leveling up you get to do that special quest of Questy Greybeard's.

Go to Questy Greybeard in the Treehouse Lobby and he will have a

Accept this quest and go talk to Trixie in Pawthorne Forest. Trixie is the potion maker for Tammy, coincidence much haha! This quest has
12 parts and brings you pretty far to level 51!

After talking to Trixie talk to Jim in West Market. You then will have to collect 5 gems. The gems are in ALL of the places you collect gems from during his quests; Darby Field, Harvest Grove, Shady Glen, Pawthorne Forest, and Misty Hill. After collecting all of the gems talk to Steve in East Market. He will then tell you to go back to Pawthorne Forest and collect 3 pieces of lumber for a treasure chest. Get all 3 pieces and talk to Jim. After talking to Trixie again go to Jim. Jim will tell you to catch some fish. After catching all 7 fish of Jim report back to Trixie. She will then tell you to ask Questy for a Beacon Staff, then report back to Trixie. Now here is the hardest part of the Quest. Decide which dragon you want. There is a blue dragon or a silver dragon. I decided to pick the blue dragon because the silver dragon isn't as colorful.

Report to coconut beach and an "X" will be placed in the sand at the far right. After the items are placed your dragon will come like in the picture above. Turn in the quest to your dragon and congrats you now can fly!!!

If you need any help with this quest leave a comment or you can watch this video created by Lime12101. You can check out
Lime's blog here.
The video is right here so click on it :D
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